E Safety Policy
The use of digital technology is now seen as an essential part of everyday life and the use of IT within schools has enormous benefits to education, however there are reasons why the school and the local authority must put some restrictions in place.
Within Lincolnshire, the definition of e-safety is the proactive and reactive measures to ensure the safety of the child, and adults working with the child, whilst using digital technologies. This extends to policy, training and guidance on the issues which surround risky behaviours, and encompasses the technical solutions which provide further safeguarding tools. It should be remembered that digital technology reaches far and wide, not only computers and laptops, but consideration should also be given to technologies such as: Xbox 360; Playstations; Nintendo Wii (including online gaming); mobile phones, cyber bullying and anything else which allows interactive digital communication.
- e-Safety concerns safeguarding children and young people in the digital world.
- e-Safety emphasises learning to understand and use new technologies in a positive way.
- e-Safety is less about restriction and more about education about the risks as well as the benefits so we can feel confident online.
- e-Safety is concerned with supporting children and young people to develop safer online behaviours both in and out of school.
The Internet is an unmanaged, open communications channel. The World Wide Web, email, blogs and social networks all transmit information using the Internet’s communication infrastructure internationally at low cost. Anyone can send messages, discuss ideas and publish material with little restriction.
These features of the Internet make it an invaluable resource used by millions of people every day. However some of the material on the Internet is published for an adult audience. Pupils and staff need to develop critical skills to evaluate online material and learn that publishing personal information could compromise their security and that of others.
We as a school have a duty of care to enable pupils to use on-line systems safely. This is provided by firewall software that filters most material that is unsuitable for children. However it is also important to educate all members of the school community about e safety and not to rely wholly on restrictive measures.
The use of school equipment for inappropriate reasons is “unauthorised” and to this end we have updated our Acceptable Use of the Internet Policy.
Our Pupil Acceptable Use of the Internet Agreement is attached as an appendix to the e Safety Policy. It is a set of rules that we insist that pupils must abide to when using IT equipment in school to keep everyone safe and help us to be fair to others.
By signing and dating this document you as parents/carers are agreeing to let your child use the Internet and e-mail at school. If you have more than one child at school we do require one form per child please.
When the children sign they are agreeing to abide by the rules set out in the Pupils Acceptable Use of the Internet Agreement.
If you have any questions then please contact Mrs Pool at school.