Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Coordinator
Hello, my name is Mrs Rebecca Atkinson and I am the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Coordinator for Billinghay C of E Primary School.
I have taught at Billinghay C of E Primary School for many years now and have worked in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5. I currently have dedicated time set aside for SEND work on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Please phone 01526 860786 or email me at if you would like to discuss anything to do with Special Educational Needs provision at school.
Special Educational Needs at Billinghay School
At Billinghay Primary School we provide our children with an exciting and balanced curriculum to include all children. However, we understand that some children experience barriers to their learning and therefore require additional support at various times in their school life.
Teachers take these difficulties and requirements into account when planning lessons and make additional provision where necessary. This additional intervention could be on an individual bases or as part of a group.
A copy of our SEND Policy and Accessibility Policy can be viewed under the Key Policies part of the website and links are also provided below.
Click on the link below to download a copy of our SEND Information Report (previously known as a Local Offer).
Lincolnshire's Local Offer
The Local Offer is part of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) reforms from the Children and Families Act 2014.
There are two main purposes for the Local Offer;
- To improve information about services and provision available for families, children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and to make it easier for all families to find this information by making it available in one place.
- That by working directly with families, children and young people on developing the Local Offer, Local Authorities and Health partners can improve provision.
Lincolnshire’s Local Offer includes leisure and activity providers, health and care services, education providers and support groups.
Please use the link below to access Lincolnshire's Local Offer:
What is the Local Offer? – Lincolnshire County Council
The link will also take you to the online guide to services and information on local organisations for parents, practitioners, children, young people, partners & providers in Lincolnshire.
If You Have a Complaint About SEND Provision at School
If you have a query or complaint regarding your child and their special educational need then please initially discuss this with your child’s class teacher. This may be by letter, by telephone or in person by appointment. We hope that most problems can be sorted out this way. If after discussing your concerns with your child’s class teacher you feel that your complaint has not been properly dealt with, or your concern is about the conduct of that class teacher, then you should discuss the matter with our SENDCo. You could also request that school SEN Governor be present at this discussion.
If you feel that the matter has not been sorted out satisfactorily, then you should follow the procedures set down in our Complaints Policy from ‘the Third step’ of the complaints process.