World Rainbow Day
World Rainbow Day, originally created by 10 year old Tilly Hatfield Edgar from Lincolnshire, is a day lead by children to encourage everyone to wear colourful clothing, in rainbow shades, worn as a tribute to our incredible key workers and the many other wonderful people within our communities, who have joined forces to help during this truly heart-breaking and unprecedented time.
It will also act as a symbol to show our love to the many families that have sadly lost loved ones to Covid-19.
This year it took place on Friday 2nd October 2020. All our pupils came to school dressed in rainbow coloured bright clothing. They carried out a variety of activities in classes (some of which are shown below and more on the class pages).
The children also donated £1 to a special charity initiative called ‘Design Havens for Heroes’ which has been set up to show our gratitude to some of our amazing key workers in the NHS, who have been on the very front line over the last few months.